Ripley Publishing Company, Inc.

812-689-6364 |

October 10, 2019

In the Thursday, October 10 issue

In the print edition:

Come have fun at the Family Fall Fest

A Family Fall Fest is set for this weekend, Saturday, October 12, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. near the square in Versailles. It started with a committee of one, according to Cheryl Damon-Greiner, who with her husband, Roger, own Pat’s Bulk Food, at Tyson & Main streets. That committee quickly grew as Cheryl began making phone calls and the event grew to the Family Fall Fest and 1st Annual ‘Shop Local’ Holiday Showcase.

Census shows need for DV programs

The need for local domestic violence programs continues statewide and in southeast Indiana. An annual census, conducted by the National Network to End Domestic Violence in September, counted the number of services provided in a 24-hour period. Safe Passage, the domestic and sexual violence provider in Southeast Indiana with a 30-bed shelter based in Batesville, was one of the 47 Indiana shelters that participated in the census.

Local drug coalition to present Legislators’ Perspective on the Opioid epidemic

Plan now to attend the Ripley County Drug Awareness Coalition Legislators’ Perspective on the Opioid epidemic in Indiana. This will be held October 17 at Southeastern Indiana REMC Training Center, 712 S. Buckeye St., Osgood with the doors operning at 5:30 p.m. The event will get underway at 6:00 p.m.