In the Thursday, September 16 issue
Plans for 2021 Versailles Pumpkin Show set
The 118th Versailles Pumpkin Show is set to take place as planned this year Wednesday, September 22 through Sunday, September 26. This is being done out of an abundance of caution as organizers are urging those attending to be aware of COVID-19 numbers. “We certainly do not want anyone to come to the Pumpkin Show and get sick,” noted Paul Sipples, co-president of this year’s event.
See what Friendship has to offer now
The Championship Shoot in Friendship began on Friday, September 10 and will end this Sunday, September 19. The National Muzzle Loaders Rifle Association (NMLRA) was founded in 1933 in Friendship, Indiana. The organization’s purpose is to continue the tradition of muzzle loading as a sport through recreational and educational events. These events include: historical re-enactments, classes, exhibits, museums, libraries, and many other initiatives across the United States.

Tyson grant recipients are all smiles
Grant recipients for the $599,283 that was distributed Tuesday evening are pictured above. Those awarded are as follows: Main Street Versailles $5742, Ripley Co. Historical Society $2,072, Tyson Activity Center (TAC) $46,230, Town of Versailles $357,406, Tyson Library $150,000, Versailles Fire Department $25,000, Tri-Kappa $2,978 and the Versailles Lions Club $10,000. The Tyson Fund was established by James H. Tyson “Uncle Jim” as a gift to his community for religious, literary, educational and social advancement in Versailles and the vicinity.