In the Thursday, September 24 issue
Historical marker stolen; $250 for its return
The Ripley County Sheriff’s Department took a report this week of this historical marker being stolen. The marker had been placed at Ballstown on 229 near Batesville in honor of Samuel Ball who founded the small town in 1844.
Milan plans on Trick or Treat
The Town of Milan has decided to continue with trick or treating on Saturday, October 31 from 4-6 p.m. contingent upon social distancing being observed according to the Ripley County Health Department and meeting all State guidelines.
Sunman Park receives funding for security measures
The Parks Board was feeling the love after Sunman’s Town Council meeting last Thursday. The parks received a $2,000 donation from Adams Township Trustee Randy Ashcraft to cover the costs of new, automatic locks for the park bathrooms. This security upgrade will allow the board to set specific times for the bathrooms to lock and unlock for the day or season. Saving them time and gas, which they have been using to send someone in to unlock and relock the facilities.