Sentence for convicted child molester is reduced
The Court of Appeals has reduced the sentence of Versal Strunk, 32, formerly of Versailles, from the maximum of 50 years to 35 years
Read the story »The Court of Appeals has reduced the sentence of Versal Strunk, 32, formerly of Versailles, from the maximum of 50 years to 35 years
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Read the story »Dr. David Welsh, Ripley County Health Officer, spoke about things that will make springtime go smoother. First, he said safety was of the utmost
Read the story »The Versailles Town Board members gave permission for Tyson Library to bring a “star party” to the Versailles Sports Complex on July 5.
Read the story »Those representing people who would like to see a $2 per pack hike on cigarettes made their petition known recently at the Indiana Statehouse. These
Read the story »April is the month that spring breaks forth, trees are budding, flowers are blooming; and the thoughts of a carefree summer and/or vacation time
Read the story »It’s one of the earliest promises of spring: the amphibian orchestra that rings into the slowly warming nights of March. Spring peepers, western chorus, leopard
Read the story »Larry Eaton, attorney for the town, asked the people to really think about the situation at hand and spoke to the need for the territory
Read the story »Ripley Publishing Company presents Welcome to Spring photo contest After a long winter, we are ready for the brightness, warmth, and hope of spring! This
Read the story »What are the odds of winning a dream home in the mountains of Montana? One in 135 million and that one is Beverly Fulkerson
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