JCD graduates 64 on Sat.
Superintendent Ryan Middleton shakes hands with Bailey Hon as she accepts the coveted high school diploma. Both were all smiles. The class of 2019
Read the story »Superintendent Ryan Middleton shakes hands with Bailey Hon as she accepts the coveted high school diploma. Both were all smiles. The class of 2019
Read the story »The class of 2019 held their graduation on Saturday, May 25th. The Milan High School gymnasium was packed as 105 students marched in the procession
Read the story »All a family from the Milan area had left of their son were pictures and memories after a World War II disaster that was ultimately
Read the story »Among several topics discussed and business attended to at the May 20 meeting of the Ripley County Council, many citizens present were most concerned
Read the story »A Complaint and Demand for Jury Trial document was filed in the U.S. District Court, Southern District of Indiana New Albany Division by Abraham
Read the story »Two of the three helicopters landed at the scene, and another man was airlifted from Margaret Mary Hospital after being transported by ambulance A
Read the story »From the battlefields of World War I, weary soldiers brought home the memory of barren landscape transformed by wild poppies, red as the blood that
Read the story »Pictured above Barb Peabody and her father, Bob Hurelbrink, pause for a photo. It was an ordinary day as bus driver Tricia Kappes picked
Read the story »In 1803, Meriwether Lewis began a journey at the request of then President of the United States of America, Thomas Jefferson, to explore the land
Read the story »The keynote speaker for the event was Suzy DeYoung, an amazing woman who has begun a journey of helping others through food service. Her story
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